(+351) 917 627 700

jdho@jlegal.pt | LinkedIn

José Diogo Horta Osório

José Diogo Horta Osório has been providing legal advice in multiple areas, including M&A, Leverage Buy-Outs and Private Equity. His work encompasses extremely diverse sectors of the economy, from Transport, Energy and Infrastructure to Real Estate Investment Transactions and Project Finance.


Corporate, M&A and Private Equity; Competition


Construction and Public Work, Energy, Industrial and Consumer Products & Services, Retail and Large Distribution, Transportation and Logistic

José Diogo Horta Osório's main areas of expertise are Private Equity, Corporate Governance and Competition. José Diogo Horta Osório focuses mainly on Energy, Construction and Public Works, Services and Industrial Products.

Portuguese | English

2020 – 2021: Member of the Board as Chief Legal Officer of Group EIP (EIP –Eletricidade Industrial Portuguesa SGPS)

2005 – 2020: Partner at Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira & Associados

1995 – 2005: Invited Professor in Commercial Law, Bank Law and Labour Law, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa

1994 – 2005: Partner, Luiz Gomes & Associados

2000: Masters in Mergers and Acquisitions (“Leverage Buy-Out”), Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa

1991: Law degree, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Lisboa