(+351) 218 770 000

smp@jlegal.pt | LinkedIn

Susana Monteverde Pereira

Lawyer with 20 years of experience in litigation, criminal, misdemeanor and compliance. Susana Monteverde Pereira has also a vast experience in management and recovery of NPL’s secured and unsecured, in consulting and legal advice in credit operations and financing, as well as, in arbitration as an alternative solution for extrajudicial litigations. Currently, Susana operates in all types of mediation and judicial processes, representing clients from different sectors.


Litigation and Compliance; Competition; Industrial Property Labour and Social Security


General Litigation; Banking and Insolvency and Corporate Recovery Law.

As principais áreas que pratica são Contencioso Penal, Contra-Ordenacional e Compliance.

Portuguese | English | Spanish

2016 – 2020: Senior Associate,  Antas da Cunha ECIJA & Associados

2014 – 2016: Senior Associate, MRM & Associados

2012 – 2014: Lawyer Associate,  I. Câncio – Sociedade de Advogados, R.L.

2011 – 2012: Lawyer Associate, Costa Reis, Barran & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, R.L.

2006 – 2011: Legal Manager,  Domusvenda

2004: Member of the Portuguese Bar Association

2001: Law Degree, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa