
Interview with J+Legal Partners

ícone relógio 22/06/2021 |

Interview with Frederico Pedreira  to the partners of  J + Legal | Law Firm : José Diogo Horta Osório ,  Jorge Brito Pereira  and  Jaime Carvalho Esteves.

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”Voting Caps and Mandatory OPA”

ícone relógio 18/06/2021 |

Today we share the article “Voting Caps and Mandatory OPA” by Jorge Brito Pereira.

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Opinion article ”Economy Fact Checking”

ícone relógio 17/06/2021 |

Today we share an opinion article written by our partner José Diogo Horta Osório.

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Portugal as an Investment Destination and Investment Hub

ícone relógio 16/06/2021 |

Here you can find our Newsletter regarding the Portuguese Tax regime’s role in attracting foreign investment.

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”Concurrent Public Tender Offers”

ícone relógio 08/06/2021 |

Today we share the article “Concurrent Public Offerings for Acquisition” by  Jorge Brito Pereira  , published in Revista de Direito das Sociedades, XII (2020).

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