
Diário da República: publishment of Law nº. 13-B/2021

ícone relógio 05/04/2021 |

It was just published in Diário da República the Law nº. 13-B/2021, from April 5th of 2021, which ceases the regime of procedural deadlines adopted in the scope of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Opinion article on Novo Banco

ícone relógio 02/04/2021 |

Today we share an opinion article, “O Novo Banco e a Velha História”, written by our partner José Diogo Horta Osório and published in Jornal Económico.

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The new normal in mergers and acquisitions in Portugal. A J+Legal perspective.

ícone relógio 30/03/2021 |

We share today our newsletter prepared by the Corporate and M&A and Tax areas on “The new normal in mergers and acquisitions in Portugal. A J+Legal perspective.”

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ícone relógio 23/03/2021 |

On March 23 2021, we present our Newsletter on the 15 questions I always wanted to ask about Bitcoin (but didn’t have the courage) in a J+Legal Manual format for the fascinating new world of cryptocurrencies.

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Comment by Sofia Matos on the Annual Report of the Council for the Prevention of Corruption

ícone relógio 18/03/2021 |

Here you can find Sofia Matos’ comment, today on TVI 24, regarding the Annual Report of the Council for the Prevention of Corruption.

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